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Avoid Non Cancellation Fee with Avis

 In order to ensure that we can fulfill our customer’s car rental needs and to improve our customer service and vehicle availability, Avis South Africa will be introducing a non-cancellation fee. Effective 1 August 2016 a non-cancellation fee of R450 (including vat), will be charged to a customer when a booking is not cancelled prior to the date and time of reservation and/or as a result of failure to pick up a vehicle within 24-hours of the confirmed date and time. 


“The non-cancellation fee is 100% avoidable if the reservation is cancelled any time prior to the time of pick up,” says Lance Smith, Executive Sales at Avis Southern Africa. “The intention of this fee is to encourage all our customers to advise us when their travel plans change and to cancel any reservations that are no longer required, allowing us the opportunity to utilize the vehicle for an alternative reservation”, concludes Smith. 

Non-cancellation fee from Avis